Thursday, November 1, 2012

Pictures from my booth at Quilt Market!

My licensee Camelot Fabrics just sent me pictures from their booth at Quilt Market in Houston. I can't wait for the next show where some of my new collections will be unveiled!

The grand entrance!

My very own cube-y thing-y
I must get my hands on some of these cute samples so I can photograph them closer. 
Especially those little owls.

Obviously, two lovely ladies with exquisite taste checking out my very own cube-y thing-y.

Camelot Fabrics just launched a beautifully designed new website. I hope to have lots more product available in the coming seasons. There may even be some boy-targeted collections coming soon!
Here's their link: 
My picture in my bio looks kind of weird compared to the other artists..... but for me it's kind of good. Maybe I'll have another one done soon.

There's my page in the catalog!

I hope to have more to post soon. It's been such a waiting game.... and patience is not my strong suit, but I'm getting better. And little moments like this make it easier.

Here's to the little moments! Maybe I'll name my next collection that. ; )
